People are key to the success of your business

There are many factors that contribute to making a business successful however one that is often overlooked is ‘people’. People are the key to the success of your business because they impact every part of it. They do not simply make up your employee network or your customer base, but they are threaded throughout every part of your business and its structure.

The ‘people’ of your business range from your customers and clients to suppliers and service providers. For many of us the recent times have shifted the way we work and the daily focus so as a reminder to stay connected, here are some key people to keep in touch with.

Your Customers

Without your customers you do not have a business. It is important to regularly reach out to and listen closely to your customers’ needs. Take all feedback and create a solution to their problem. You have been providing them the product or service they have come to appreciate for so long. Whilst they may not need the same level of service, it does not mean they no longer need you at all.

Your Employees

Your company is only as strong as your weakest link. Once you have an established team be sure to invest in it. People want to work for people who have integrity. They want to work with people who are open, listen to what others have to say and can understand different points of views. Acknowledge the hard work and success of your employees and how they help grow your business by providing training, guidance, and support.

Your Suppliers

Keep a close connection with your suppliers. You will have already built an honest, transparent, and long-term relationship before the recent challenges. If a long-term relationship is established, then both businesses have a shared interest to continue working together into the future. If your busines does well so does the suppliers’. 

Worlds End Studios is home to over 120 businesses, contact us today on 020 7349 7001 or by emailing to let us know how we can help you get started.

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Our new Breakout Space is a great way to boost productivity…

A business is only as successful as its people so it’s vital to look after yourself and your employees.

Here is how to ensure you’re getting the rest you need to operate at peak performance and to help you avoid business burnout.

Take a tea break
Productivity is increased when we take a break from periods of intense concentration. So, pause what you’re doing, take a break, get a cuppa and regain your focus.

Switch off in the evenings

Create boundaries – don’t answer work emails or calls at dinner or in bed. Sleeplessness and lack of productivity are directly related so get a good night’s sleep to ensure you feel fresh and focused during work hours.

Enjoy your weekends
Working much more than 48 hours a week tends to make productivity dip. Use your weekends to switch off, whether it is going to the gym or spending time with friends and family, do the activities you enjoy and go into your Monday morning feeling refreshed.

Go on holiday
Take the time to reset and recharge. Our bodies require time to relax, if we do not switch off it can be difficult to shift into less-stressed modes. Stress can burn you out and reduce motivation and drive.

Taking regular breaks not only leaves you feeling fresh but helps motivate you to get as much done as possible in a shorter period. More holiday time will force you to use your time more efficiently and ultimately results in greater productivity at work.