International Stress Awareness Month

Unfortunately, poor mental health – in particular that pertaining to stress – is still one of the biggest public health challenges we face globally. Despite this fact, it is often overlooked and written off as something we must simply accept has now become a part of modern-day life. The common misconception that one’s physical and mental health are two separate issues, remains rife even to this day.

However, it is important to understand that the two are inherently interlinked and that, if one declines, the other may become severely affected as a result. This in turn can lead to a reduction in productivity, socialising and physical activity – all things that contribute greatly to stress.

As such, International Stress Awareness month has been held every April since 1992. The month is focussed around creating an awareness of the variety of factors which contribute to stress as well as educating people on the numerous ways in which they can learn to comb at and manage their stress – with a particular focus on methods that can easily be incorporated into their daily routines.

Over the course of the month, we chose to highlight the importance of Stress awareness month and the benefits of taking tie to focus on your needs as an individual. We placed several encouraging posters with fun graphics and motivational quotes all around Worlds End Studios. We also shared a number of useful resources on our Instagram stories so that our clients would feel encouraged to go and educate themselves further on the topic oof stress and the importance of checking in with themselves on a regular basis.

We also took the opportunity to celebrate this fantastic cause alongside the most commonly marked April event: Easter!

We decided to host an egg hunt around the Worlds End Studios building. The quest to find the golden egg was highly anticipated amongst our clientele, with many turning up early for work on the day of the hunt in order to improve their chance of winning. The premise of the hunt was that the golden egg be hidden in plain sight somewhere in the building -whoever found the egg had to bring the scroll (hidden inside the egg itself) to reception, whereby they would be announced the winner and given the prize: a marvellously delicious luxury hamper from none other than Hotel Chocolat.

In addition to the hunt for the golden egg, we also hid bundles of mini eggs all around the building so our clients could hunt all day long! These were thoroughly enjoyed by all – so much so that the Worlds End Studios Easter Bunny had to make several extra deliveries throughout the day in order to keep up with the keen eyes and chocolate hungry bellies of our clients!


Overall, the day was a great success, with all of our clients getting involved n the action! We hope that it helped relieve some midweek stress and injected a bit of chocolate related fun into our client’s weekly routines! The event solidified the importance of coming together as a community to share in some fun – one of the main messages  advocated for throughout International Stress Awareness Month.