The tradition of Christmas markets

Christmas markets, a cherished tradition that have stood the test of time. As we immerse ourselves in the holiday spirit, we though it would be nice to host our own WES Christmas market to mark the age-old tradition. Several of our clients will be taking part, selling items from their wonderful stock – the perfect way to mark the start of the festive period and to close off another successful year of business!

So, what better way of marking this festive occasion than to delve into the rich history of Christmas markets so as to gain better understanding of how this beloved tradition has evolved over the centuries.

The roots of Christmas markets can be traced back to medieval Germany. The first known market, or “Christkindlesmarkt,” emerged in the late Middle Ages during the early 15th century in cities like Munich and Bautzen. These markets were initially organized to provide communities with a central location to purchase supplies for the winter season.

Over time, Christmas markets evolved from simple trading posts to vibrant celebrations of the holiday season. The markets became more closely associated with the Christmas festivities, offering seasonal goods, handmade crafts, and holiday treats. The inclusion of festive decorations and the introduction of the Christmas tree as a centrepiece added to the magical atmosphere.

As the tradition spread throughout Europe, each region added its unique flair to Christmas markets. In Strasbourg, France, for example, the “Christkindelsmärik” has been a staple since 1570 and claims to be the oldest Christmas market in Europe. Meanwhile, Vienna’s Christkindlmarkt is renowned for its classical music performances and ornate decorations.

In the 20th century, Christmas markets experienced a resurgence across Europe and beyond. The markets became larger, more elaborate, and a focal point for local communities and tourists alike. Today, cities worldwide host Christmas markets, drawing millions of visitors each year who come to revel in the holiday spirit, shop for unique gifts, and indulge in seasonal delicacies.

What began as practical marketplaces has blossomed into a global phenomenon, helping to mark the magic of the season. As our own clients showcase their products for all to see and buy, they too can become a part of this ongoing tradition which celebrates the Christmas period in a different way, bringing communities together and further proving the longevity and importance of the Christmas Market tradition.


As the leaves change colours and the air becomes crisp, a festive energy fills the atmosphere – it’s the season of Halloween. To mark Halloween in our own WES way, we decided to host a Trick or Treat sweet hunt for the clients around the studios. Little pumpkin packages filled with sweet treats were hidden in various creepy corners of the studios for clients to find throughout the day!

Halloween is celebrated worldwide and has become more of a phenomenon in recent years. It is seen as a day to get dressed up, no matter your age, and have fun. But beyond the costumes and sweets lies a rich tapestry of history and traditions that have evolved over centuries so let’s unravel the enigmatic origins of Halloween and explore the traditions that make this spooky celebration so enduring.

Halloween’s roots can be traced back over 2,000 years to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced “sow-in”). Celebrated on the eve of November 1st, Samhain marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. The Celts believed that on this night, the boundary between the living and the dead blurred, allowing spirits to roam freely. To ward off malevolent spirits, the Celts lit bonfires and donned costumes made of animal skins. These rituals aimed to appease the spirits and ensure a smooth transition into the darker months.

With the spread of Christianity, the church sought to integrate existing pagan celebrations into its calendar. In the 7th century, Pope Boniface IV designated November 1st as All Saints’ Day to honour saints and martyrs. The evening before, October 31st, became known as All Hallows’ Eve, eventually morphing into the Halloween we know today.

The tradition of trick-or-treating has its roots in medieval Europe. During the All Souls’ Day parades, the poor would visit homes, asking for food in exchange for prayers for the dead. In Ireland and Scotland, a custom known as “souling” involved going door-to-door for soul cakes. This tradition evolved in the United States in the 20th century, becoming the modern trick-or-treating we know today. Children, dressed in costumes ranging from witches to superheroes, go from house to house, collecting sweets and treats.

From ancient Celtic rituals to modern-day trick-or-treating, Halloween has undergone a fascinating transformation. It’s a celebration that transcends time, connecting us with our ancestors and allowing us to revel in both the mystical and the macabre. As we embrace the traditions of Halloween, let’s remember the rich history that has shaped this bewitching holiday into the spooky spectacle we enjoy today.

International Literacy day at worlds end studios

In a world where information flows seamlessly through digital channels and screens dominate our daily existence, there’s a timeless and indispensable tool that empowers individuals, fosters understanding, and unlocks a world of possibilities – literacy.

International Literacy Day, observed on September 8th each year, serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of reading. It was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to highlight the importance of literacy as a foundation for lifelong learning and sustainable development. The day emphasizes the need to address literacy challenges worldwide, promoting literacy as a catalyst for individual and societal progress.

To mark the significance of International Literacy Day and delve into the profound impact of reading on daily life, the WES team thought it would be nice to ask our clients to share how reading has impacted their day-to-day lives and helped shape who they are as individuals.

Promoting literacy requires innovative approaches. Embracing technology and digital platforms can complement traditional literacy efforts. E-books, audiobooks, educational apps, and online resources provide accessible and interactive avenues for individuals to engage with written content.

Moreover, fostering a culture of reading begins at home and in communities. Parents, educators, colleagues, and community leaders play pivotal roles in encouraging and supporting literacy initiatives. By creating a conducive environment that values reading, we contribute to the development of a generation equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate an increasingly complex world.

Here are some of the answers we received:

Q: What does reading mean to you?

A: I never leave home without my Kindle – it is the only way I can really relax. It also allows me to live many lives at the same time.

A: Everything, I’d be lost without a book in my bag at al times.

Q: What is your favourite book and why?

A: Les Dame Aux Camelias by Alexander Dumas (son). It captured the imaginations of so many artists and inspired so many great pieces of work.

A: Marina by Carlos Ruiz Zafón – it is extremely well written, the setting is stunning (well described Barcelona), and the characters are compelling. The plot is very interesting, however, the most important part, for me, is the topics it dives into – such as loss, love, growing up and deceit.

Q: What is one book you could never tire of?

A: Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

A: History textbooks from school.

International Literacy Day serves as a powerful reminder of the profound impact that reading can have on individual lives and society as a whole. We celebrate this day to rekindle our appreciation for the written word and recognize the enduring value of literacy in shaping a brighter and more enlightened future. Through the simple act of reading, we can empower ourselves and others to learn and build a world that thrives on the richness of shared knowledge.

Cultivating Workplace Happiness: WES’ Tips for Employee Well-being and Happiness

As August is the international month of happiness, we thought it would be fitting to explore the ways in which this topic can be explored and applied to the working environment.

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape, the significance of employee happiness in the workplace cannot be understated. A happy workforce is not just a feel-good concept; it is a powerful driver of productivity, innovation, and overall organizational success. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of prioritising employee happiness and explore actionable strategies to implement successfully in any workplace.

Employee happiness is not a fleeting emotion; it’s a state of contentment, engagement, and satisfaction that significantly impacts an organisation’s bottom line. Here are just a few things which can occur as a direct result of employee happiness:

Enhanced Productivity: Happy employees are more productive. When employees feel valued and motivated, they put in more effort and dedication into their work. This leads to increased efficiency and higher output.

Reduced Turnover: High turnover can be detrimental to any organisation. Investing in employee happiness reduces turnover rates, as content employees are more likely to stay loyal to a company that cares about their well-being.

Innovation and Creativity: A positive work environment fosters creativity and innovation. When employees are happy, they’re more likely to share ideas, collaborate, and think outside the box, driving the organisation forward.

Health and Well-being: A focus on employee happiness leads to improved mental and physical well-being. When employees feel supported and valued, stress levels decrease, leading to healthier lifestyles and fewer absences.

In order to ensure that these results can be achieved, they must first be implemented! Here are some of WES’  suggestions for easy and effective solutions you can use to encourage happiness in the workplace:

Open Communication: Establish transparent and open channels of communication. Encourage employees to share their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions. Regular team meetings or suggestion boxes can help to facilitate this.

Work-Life Balance: Respect boundaries between work and personal life. Encourage employees to unplug after work hours, use their vacation time, and promote flexible work arrangements where possible.

Recognition and Appreciation: Recognise and celebrate employees’ achievements and milestones. Regularly acknowledge their hard work and contributions through verbal appreciation, awards, or employee recognition programs.

Professional Development: Provide opportunities for growth and advancement. Offering training, skill development, and career progression shows employees that the organisation is invested in their long-term success.

Wellness Programs: Implement wellness initiatives such as yoga classes, meditation sessions, or wellness challenges. These programs promote a healthy lifestyle and stress reduction among employees.

Empowerment: Empower employees by involving them in decision-making processes. When employees have a say in matters that affect their work, they feel a greater sense of ownership and engagement.

In conclusion, prioritising employee happiness is not just a trend; it’s a smart business strategy with far-reaching benefits. When organisations genuinely care about the well-being of their employees, a culture of positivity, collaboration, and success is fostered. By implementing the strategies discussed, businesses can create workplaces where happiness thrives, leading to a brighter future for both employers and employees alike.

Plastic-Free July: Reducing Plastic Consumption in the Workplace

Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time. Every year, millions of tonnes of plastic waste end up in our oceans, harming marine life and contributing to the rapid degradation of our ecosystems. While reducing one’s plastic consumption is essential to ensuring waste is kept to a minimum, one area which is often overlooked is the reduction of plastic waste in the office environment. As such, WES have compiled our own list of ways in which individual businesses can try to minimize their plastic consumption and promote a near plastic-free environment in the office.

The first step towards reducing plastic consumption in the workplace is to raise awareness among your colleagues. Organise a meeting or a workshop perhaps, to discuss the environmental impact of plastic waste and the importance of minimizing its use – in particular single use plastics. Encourage open discussions, ideas, and personal commitments to creating a plastic-free workplace.

Identify the single-use plastic items that are most used in your office environment and try to seek alternatives. Here are some of WES’ suggestions for items which can be used in place of single-use plastics:

1. Replace plastic water bottles with reusable ones. Encourage employees to bring their own water bottles and provide filtered water stations or water coolers for refilling (remember we have these in both kitchens at WES for you to use whenever!!)

2. Say no to plastic straws. Switch to paper, stainless steel, or bamboo alternatives.

3. Use reusable coffee cups and eliminate disposable coffee cups. Encourage employees to bring their own mugs or use the mugs provided in our kitchens.

4. Replace plastic cutlery with reusable or compostable alternatives like bamboo, wooden, or compostable plant-based options.

5. Avoid individually wrapped snacks. Instead try going for bulk purchasing and provide communal containers for employees to enjoy.

6. Digitize as much as possible to reduce paper waste, which often includes plastic components such as binders and covers. Encourage employees to adopt digital methods for document sharing, note-taking, and communication. Use project management software, cloud storage, and online collaboration tools to minimize paper usage and enhance efficiency.

7. Set up proper recycling bins throughout the office to segregate plastic waste and other recyclable materials. Clearly label the bins to avoid confusion. Educate employees on the correct ways to recycle and the importance of doing so.

8. Consider implementing a composting program for food waste, as it can significantly reduce the amount of organic waste that ends up in landfills. Composting can also be used to nourish office plants or community gardens, creating a sustainable cycle.

9. Encourage employees to make conscious choices when it comes to purchasing office supplies. Choose products with minimal packaging or packaging made from recycled materials. Request suppliers use sustainable packaging options or to reduce excessive plastic wrapping.

10. Plastic waste is not limited to the office alone. Encourage employees to adopt eco-friendly commuting options such as walking, cycling or using public transport. You can also look to providing incentives or perks for those who actively choose sustainable transportation methods.

11. Develop a green mindset within the workplace by organizing eco-friendly initiatives. Implement a “plastic-free challenge” for a month or organize a regular “green team” that works towards reducing the office’s environmental impact. Celebrate achievements and acknowledge individual efforts to motivate employees.

Reducing plastic consumption in the workplace requires collective effort and individual commitment. Even by implementing just one of these practical tips and strategies, employees can significantly reduce their plastic waste and contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet. Remember, every small action counts, and the cumulative impact of these changes can make a significant difference in the fight against plastic pollution.

Let’s work together and follow some of these tips and tricks to strive for a future at WES in which the use of plastic is drastically reduced!

WES Summer Party 2023

Lights, camera, action! Our fabulous icon-themed party was a night filled with glitz, glamour, and an unforgettable celebration of timeless legends. From Marilyn Monroe’s captivating charm to Sean Connery’s suave sophistication, our guests embraced the essence of these iconic figures. With a lineup of DJs, mouthwatering pizzas, and dazzling performances by drag queens, this event was a true extravaganza that transported everyone back to the golden era of Hollywood.

As June was also Pride month, a time of celebration and recognition, to honour the diverse identities and experiences of people from all nationalities, genders, sexualities, and more. It serves as a crucial reminder that every individual’s story is valid and deserves to be acknowledged and respected.

In this way, we felt that the theme of ‘Fabulous Icons: The Afterparty’, was a subtle yet powerful way of also celebrating the contributions and impact of extraordinary individuals throughout history who have paved the way for LGBTQ+ rights and acceptance. By highlighting these “fabulous icons,” we aimed to pay homage to the resilience and triumphs of the LGBTQ+ community, fostering a sense of inclusivity, acceptance, and pride for all.

As the evening came to a start, our guests pulled out all the stops, channeling the spirit of their favourite legends. As the guests entered, they passed by red velvet ropes and stepped onto the red carpet, instantly transporting them into the environment of a celebrity after party! Golden accents added an extra touch of luxury, making everyone feel like true VIPs. The courtyards were alive with vibrant colours and dazzling displays which depicted iconic locations such as Abbey Road and the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The party became a runway of glamour, showcasing the creativity, individuality and fashion-forward choices of our attendees.

No party is complete without delicious food, and we knew exactly how to please our guests. A mouthwatering array of pizzas awaited everyone, with a variety of toppings and flavours to satisfy every palate. From classic margherita to gourmet creations, guests indulged in the delightful combination of cheese, dough, and tangy tomato sauce. The pizza station became a social hub, where conversations flowed as freely as the toppings.

The highlight of the night was the jaw-dropping performances by the talented drag queens. Dressed to the nines and exuding confidence, they captivated the audience with their show-stopping acts. Each performance paid tribute to the fabulous icons we celebrated, infusing their own unique style and flair into the mix. The back courtyard was alive with cheers, applause, and laughter as the drag queens delivered their performances with unmatched energy and charisma.

As the night progressed, the energy soared to new heights. Guests mingled, danced, and laughed, forming new friendships and celebrating old ones. From impromptu dance-offs to hilarious photo booth sessions, our fabulous icon-themed party was an evening that will forever be etched in our memories!

Coronation Week at WES

There are few events more momentous than the coronation of a new monarch. As anticipation filled the air ahead of King Charles III’s grand coronation, the Worlds End Studios team came together to organize a delightful picnic for our clients in celebration of this historic occasion.

It was important for us to commemorate this special event in a way that highlighted the historic importance of this event as well as our strong sense of community. The preparations were filled with excitement as we gathered to discuss the decorations, food, and activities that would make the occasion truly memorable.

On the sunny day of the picnic, our front courtyard was transformed into a vibrant hub of activity. Our clients and team members alike arrived, each carrying their own delectable contributions to the feast.

The highlight of the picnic was undoubtedly the diverse array of dishes that adorned the picnic tables. From traditional English delicacies like finger sandwiches and pork pies to international foods such as fried bread and guacamole, the spread represented the diverse backgrounds and tastes of our community.

The event offered an opportunity for our clients to mark the coronation whilst forging new friendships and deepening existing connections. We had a variety of games and activities on offer to further encourage our clients to get involved. To participate in any of the games, clients were prompted to donate some money to the Prince’s Trust – a charity set up by King Charles III himself which seeks to give assistance and support to young people entering the working world.

We had a host of traditional English funfair inspired games on offer such as ‘guess how many sweets in the jar’, ‘royal bingo’ and a hook a duck raffle wherein the number on the bottom of the ducks corresponded with how many raffle tickets you were allocated. Prizes ranged from a high tea for two at the National Portrait gallery along with an hour-long tour of the collections, coronation mugs and bottles of wine.

The festivities did not end with the picnic. The following day, we organized a lively Pimm’s night to continue the celebrations. Everyone came together, raising glasses filled with the refreshing and iconic British cocktail. The Pimm’s night added an extra layer of merriment to the overall experience, further solidifying the community spirit we had celebrated the previous day during the picnic.

Hosting a picnic in celebration of King Charles III’s impending coronation was a delightful and memorable experience for the entire WES community. It was a testament to the bonds that unite us, and it reaffirmed the power of shared traditions and festivities in fostering a strong sense of community.

International Stress Awareness Month

Unfortunately, poor mental health – in particular that pertaining to stress – is still one of the biggest public health challenges we face globally. Despite this fact, it is often overlooked and written off as something we must simply accept has now become a part of modern-day life. The common misconception that one’s physical and mental health are two separate issues, remains rife even to this day.

However, it is important to understand that the two are inherently interlinked and that, if one declines, the other may become severely affected as a result. This in turn can lead to a reduction in productivity, socialising and physical activity – all things that contribute greatly to stress.

As such, International Stress Awareness month has been held every April since 1992. The month is focussed around creating an awareness of the variety of factors which contribute to stress as well as educating people on the numerous ways in which they can learn to comb at and manage their stress – with a particular focus on methods that can easily be incorporated into their daily routines.

Over the course of the month, we chose to highlight the importance of Stress awareness month and the benefits of taking tie to focus on your needs as an individual. We placed several encouraging posters with fun graphics and motivational quotes all around Worlds End Studios. We also shared a number of useful resources on our Instagram stories so that our clients would feel encouraged to go and educate themselves further on the topic oof stress and the importance of checking in with themselves on a regular basis.

We also took the opportunity to celebrate this fantastic cause alongside the most commonly marked April event: Easter!

We decided to host an egg hunt around the Worlds End Studios building. The quest to find the golden egg was highly anticipated amongst our clientele, with many turning up early for work on the day of the hunt in order to improve their chance of winning. The premise of the hunt was that the golden egg be hidden in plain sight somewhere in the building -whoever found the egg had to bring the scroll (hidden inside the egg itself) to reception, whereby they would be announced the winner and given the prize: a marvellously delicious luxury hamper from none other than Hotel Chocolat.

In addition to the hunt for the golden egg, we also hid bundles of mini eggs all around the building so our clients could hunt all day long! These were thoroughly enjoyed by all – so much so that the Worlds End Studios Easter Bunny had to make several extra deliveries throughout the day in order to keep up with the keen eyes and chocolate hungry bellies of our clients!


Overall, the day was a great success, with all of our clients getting involved n the action! We hope that it helped relieve some midweek stress and injected a bit of chocolate related fun into our client’s weekly routines! The event solidified the importance of coming together as a community to share in some fun – one of the main messages  advocated for throughout International Stress Awareness Month.

Women’s Day 2023

March is a wonderfully busy and vibrant month for several different reasons – it marks the start of spring; we celebrate Mother’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day too. But one of the most meaningful days in March falls on the 8th: International Women’s Day!

Historically, International Women’s Day has been observed since the early 1900s – a time of great expansion in the industrial world which led to booming population growth and a rise in radical ideologies. Today, although the landscape has changed significantly, the day is still celebrated globally as a chance to recognise and pay tribute to all the wonderful achievements of women throughout history.

This year, the theme for International Women’s Day was #EmbraceEquity, which was chosen in order to “get the world talking about why equal opportunities aren’t enough” (IWD website).

Why limit International Women’s Day to one day only?

We seized this wonderful opportunity and decided to celebrate the fabulous female clients who make up our own community here at World’s End Studios! Throughout the entire month of March, we paid tribute to several of our female-led companies (check these out on our Instagram) and also sent round some questions for them to respond to (see further down the blog!)

To mark the day itself, we hosted a coffee morning for our clients, treating them to a beautiful array of International Women’s Day treats! We handpicked a few charities which resonated with us and placed placards with information about each charity and QR codes to directly make a donation around the room. We also hosted an International Women’s Day Themed Quiz for all the various teams within the building – the winner of which selected a charity of their choosing for us to donate £50 to on their behalf! This was yet another interactive way of celebrating the achievements of women throughout history, as well as encouraging a bit of healthy competition between our clients!


Just a few of the formidable women that walk the halls of Worlds End Studios

Questions were sent out to our clients, and we have included some of their responses below – please check out our Instagram account for a more in depth look at their companies and to discover more about their amazing work!!

Q: What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

A:  International Women’s Day is about coming together to celebrate just how far women’s rights have come whilst recognising that there is still work left to do.

A:  It gives me time to think about how fortunate I am to be surrounded by the allies I have, who support me, guide me and are examples to me in my everyday life. In comparison to other women around the world I am very lucky to live the life I live; with the opportunities I have. However, it also makes me think about how far we have to go, and the struggles I continuously face because of my physicality and gender; how much I have to push harder to break barriers that are only put up because of how society sees me, rather than my abilities. Women are often seen as the ‘weaker’ gender, however I think that our persistence and adaptability puts that into question.

Q: Have you noticed a change within your industry in relation to the way women are treated/given opportunities to rise through the ranks?

A:  In a big way! Although the Interiors Industry has traditionally been one that has a great female representation, I have loved seeing women rise to the very highest ranks in terms of both creative and commercial positions within the industry.

A:  There have been changes, but there’s still a long way to go. There are still meetings where male attendees not familiar with the company address (junior) men rather (senior) women. And there are too many stories about different tones in emails from men when writing to women or men. And, most importantly, the pay gap is still exactly that – a gap.

A:  I work with a lot of men- factories, makers, construction, project management, and it’s still a struggle. Calendars of women on walls, being called bossy when others may be called assertive, being asked if I know how to read technical drawings (when I studied architecture and have a masters in furniture design).

I don’t know if I’ve been around long enough to have seen a change, but I know that the more I am seen and heard, the more change will come.

Q: What advice do you have for women looking to grow their own business?

A: I would advise any woman looking to grow their business that, as women, we are not competing with our male counterparts but occupying our own space as women and bringing our own set of changes with that.

A: Don’t be scared to ask questions and learn. I am stubborn and have always been a proud woman, but in some ways that’s my weakness. In times when I wanted to prove myself, I didn’t ask for help or advice. People find it flattering if a younger, ambitious, hard-working person wants their opinion. We can learn so much from those who have made our mistakes before. It isn’t naive or unintelligent to ask questions, its unintelligent not to.

A:  Ignore the negative stereotyping and believe in your convictions. And embrace networking – if you don’t, others will.

Q: Which woman/women inspire(s) you the most?

A: Malala Yousafzai is hugely inspirational. She is not even thirty years old yet and her bravery at standing up for women’s and girls’ rights to education in the face of such strong adversity needs to be shared and shouted from the rooftops.

A:  So many! But mainly my mother. She has travelled the world being the best in her field, writing books and giving conferences, while filling my sister and I with the self-assurance to push ourselves and not be deterred by bad experiences but to learn from them. She didn’t let society determine her route to being a success in her field, or a good person. I adore her and couldn’t have asked for better.

A: Jacinda Arden – stood out a mile amongst the world’s leaders. For example, it’s estimated that her policies saved 80,000 lives during Covid. 

This combination of the charitable coffee morning, paired with the personalised Instagram content and the questionnaire felt like the perfect way for us to mark International Women’s Day 2023, bringing together all our clients in order to celebrate the wonderful achievements of women both past and present.

Valentine’s Day Special

It’s almost impossible to meander through the month of February without being made aware, in one way or another, that Valentine’s Day is imminent. For many people, this day is all about the cheese – red roses, chocolates and steak dinners meticulously planned, sometimes even many months ahead. However, one interpretation of the day – to show love to all those who mean the most to you – is often forgotten and the focus is instead placed exclusively on those in relationships.

But the notion of love, kindness and consideration for others is thankfully not limited to Valentine’s Day alone. The month of February also plays host to another, less celebrated day which World’s End Studios wanted to mark in our own way: International Day of Kindness in the Workplace!

It is widely known that work related stress has increased exponentially over the last decade. With the return to normal office hours following the pandemic, employers have sought to combat this in a number of ways, hosting team-building days, coffee mornings and much more. All these events seek to relieve employees of stress, allowing them to have fun with their colleagues and experience kindness first hand.

Here at World’s End Studios, we wanted to spread some love and kindness to all our clients, and what better way to do that than to host an interactive Valentine’s Day event?

We ordered in some supplies and hosted a fun-filled afternoon of cupcake decorating, encouraging our clients to mingle with each other to celebrate Valentine’s Day in a way which instead emphasised the importance of showing kindness and love not just to a significant other, but to all those around you!

Whilst this event was a raging success and demonstrated just how easy it can be to incorporate kindness into the work environment, we understand that finding the time to host activities such as these is not always easy. So we thought we’d share some alternative ways to implement kindness into your daily routine at work!

WES’s Tips:

1 – Recognise other people’s strengths!

The work environment can become much less stressful when tasks are delegated correctly. If we all work on the things we are good at, we feel valued and appreciated for our own individual skillsets. An easy way to show kindness in the workplace is to acknowledge the abilities of your colleagues and share out duties accordingly.

2 – Smile!

It has been scientifically proven that the act of smiling, as well as the feeling of being smiled at, releases the same amount of serotonin as eating 200 chocolate bars! Smiling also improved productivity. So share a smile with your employees and colleagues, you never know where it could take you!

3 – Say “Thank You”!

It may seem obvious, but a simple “thank you” can go a long way. An easy, thoughtful way to let your colleagues know that their actions – big or small – are appreciated.

4 – Promoting work relationships!

 If your employees feel they can bond with each other, the results will be miraculous! Having a strong, close-knit team enables your employees to think as one collective body rather than a set of individuals. At World’s End Studios, we encourage the intermingling of our clients – collaborations, inspiration and friendships are just a conversation away!

Take a leaf out of our book and spread some love this February by doing something kind for the people you work with as well as the ones you love!